Friday, January 31, 2020

Police Brutality Among Nigerian Males In Philadelphia Essay Example for Free

Police Brutality Among Nigerian Males In Philadelphia Essay Cultural prejudice is like a virus that is transmitted from human to human and like a parasite eats up a society and its reasoning. These prejudices are reflected in our day to day life. How often we see a white women shying away from young African American male on the street reflecting the basic stereotyped assumptions that we make about others every day. These inevitable behaviors of which most of us are victims remain unresolved because of the unconscious state it has entered. Likewise, people who have been victims of racism in the past develop an extreme judgmental attitude, often labeling a simple act as a racist, failing them to ever see well in others. Marilyn French, a feminist fiction writer, in her work on â€Å"Beyond Power: On Women, Men and Morals (1986),† interprets such bigot behavior as an outcome of a patriarchal world that is lured by power and control over women, children, property, and other men; and subsequently enticed with the idea of superiority using skin color, wealth, religion and ethnicity as its variable. She suggests that the masculine principle is governed by aggressiveness which prevails over the cultural values ascribed to the feminine principle. Quoting from her work, â€Å"World wide patriarchal values and perspectives are so pervasive; many people believe them to be inevitable. Such thinkers believe feminine principle oriented cultures became instinct because of the superiority of Western patriarchy†. She further emphasizes that since western people are oriented in a masculine thought; its end result is anything but cultural prejudice. Further, delving on this theory she suggests that we all are members of the â€Å"in- groups† that offers us a feeling of belongingness and comfort. And all others become members of the â€Å"out-groups†. It is taken as a fact that members of one group will always be antagonist to the members of the other group. Marilyn calls it a â€Å"self justifying dialogue that keeps us from self analysis mixing beliefs with attitudes and values, and morality with ethics† (French, 1985, p. 19). We obediently keep practicing what we have been taught in our lifetime, i. . â€Å"what to think† of those who are members of the opposite group instead of â€Å"how to think† and in turn delaying our judgment about others. Our faculty has stopped responding to a logical reasoning and it has simply turned into a mechanical thought process. Leading all of us to becoming racist, ageist, and ethnocentric in this patriarchal culture. An authoritarian personality clings on to the conventional values of their culture, and refuses at any time the need of self – introspection (Breslin, 1974, p. 51). While delving on this type, Mumia Abu-Jamal stands as a case in point. Mumia Abu – Jamal, a famous radio journalist in Philadelphia was also known as â€Å"the voice of the voiceless†. He used to report on issues concerning police brutality, misconduct and racism on the minority communities and especially, the African American community. In 1981, he became a victim himself of things he always fought against. On December night, 1981, while driving a cab to supplement his income earned through journalism, Abu Jamal drove pass his brother who was being beaten up by the police officer, Daniel Faulkner for traffic violation. Shortly, a gun fire broke out leaving both the police officer and Abu- Jamal injured. Unfortunately, the officer succumbed to his injuries while Abu –Jamal recovered through a surgery. He was trialed for the Officer Daniel Faulkner’s murder case and given a death sentence. However, at the insistence of Philadelphia District Attorney Lynn Abraham, Abu – Jamal is currently not facing the death penalty. This is a typical case of a social conflict between individuals and collectivities. Interpreting Abu – Jamal’s case through Lane Cormick’s work, this situation can be termed as a crisis. The media and many literary discussions have depicted this case as that of prejudice and racial discrimination. Race and ethnicity are hence, seen as the controlling dynamics in this case. Dave Lindorff, an investigative reporter in his book on â€Å" Killing Time: An Investigation Into the Death Row Case of Mumia Abu – Jamal†, stated that at the time of Abu – Jamal’s arrest, the Philadelphia Police Department was indeed the most corrupt enforcement operations in the nation. Hence, the decision made by the United States’ judicial system , awarding death sentence to Abu- Jamal, based on the evidences put forth by the Philadelphia police has been widely criticized and challenged. This decision has been labeled as an outcome of cultural prejudice in a society that stands as an epitome of liberty. The United States’ judicial system has been attributed for its racism and discrimination against defendants of color. Noam Chomsky while reflecting on this case called the U. S. prison system a class and a race war. He further emphasized that Abu – Jamal is just one illustration of what’s called â€Å"social cleansing† in US. Philadelphia police is known for its notoriety. The racist attitude that it thrives on is also not hidden from the public. The killing of a young black man, Bryan Jones on the morning of January 1, 2007 is just one in a million cases reflecting brutality dipped with prejudice and racism practiced by the Philadelphia police. According to the Welcoming Center for new Pennsylvanians, seven percent of Philadelphia’s immigrants come from Africa mainly comprising of Nigerians who form the largest African group in this region. Every now and then, there are cases heard against the Police Department of Philadelphia for ill – treating the Africans. Scholars suggest that off all prejudice, the most critical is the Attitudinal Prejudice reflected (in this case) in the Philadelphia police also explaining the reasons of brutality that’s practiced on these minority races. W. T. Jones in his work on â€Å"Perspectives on ethnicity. New direction for student services†, explains that â€Å"attitudinal prejudice refers to a negative attitude toward a person or group based upon a social comparison process in which the individual’s own group is taken as the positive point of reference. † (Jones, 1972, p. 6). Further, to combat the ‘isms’ requires new value assumptions and new social learning.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Gray-Hat Hacking Essay -- Computers Technology Hackers Essays Research

Gray-Hat Hacking Overview Computer security is a growing concern with the onset of always-on connections in the home and the emerging global network. More and more people become connected everyday. The reliance on computers in our daily lives has increased the need for security and has shifted the ethical line for hackers and hacking. â€Å"A hacker is someone with deep knowledge of and great interest in a system. A hacker is someone who likes to delve into the inner workings of a system to find out how it works.†2 The definition of a hacker has been skewed in recent years by the press to connotate people who break into computer systems. The term has also evolved to represent people who protect computer systems and those that break into them. These newly termed hackers can be classified into three categories white-hat, black-hat, and gray-hat hackers. White-hat hackers are employed by corporations and work on the good side to secure computer systems without breaking into them. Black-hat hackers work on the bad side and attempt to compromise systems in illegal ways. Gray-hat hackers occupy the gray space of hacking and break into systems to learn and expose flaws, often as a service to the computer community. The ethical line dividing white-hat hackers and black-hat hackers is clear. However, the line that separates gray-hat hackers from black-hat hackers is constantly shifting in the new global network. Hacking that may have been considered ethical yesterday may not be true today due to the impact on global systems in the form of dollars loss and downtime. Hacking has evolved from simply having knowledge of systems by harmlessly breaking into them to an issue of security and computer crimes (cybercrimes). Hacking attac... Copyright Act, 1998, 5 Deborah Radcliff, Playing by Europe’s rule, 2001,,10801,62057,00.html 6 US Department of Justice, Federal Computer Intrusion Laws, 7 Council of Europe, Convention on Cybercrime CETS No.:185, 2001, 8 CSI / FBI, Computer Crime and Security Survey, 2003, 9 George W. Bush, President’s Message to the Senate on the Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, 2003, 10 US Department of Justice, FAQ on Council of Europe Convention on Cybercrime, 2003,

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Implement Person Centred Approaches in Health and Social Care Essay

1.1 Understand person centered approaches for care and support Person centred values is a theory developed by Carl Rogers that trusted the innate tendency (known as the actualising tendency) of human beings to find fulfilment of their personal potentials. An important part of this theory is that in a particular psychological environment, the fulfilment of personal potentials includes sociability, the need to be with other human beings and a desire to know and be known by other people. It also includes being open to experience, being trusting and trustworthy, being curious about the world and being creative and compassionate. It is important to work in a way that embeds person centred values so that a person feels free from threat, both physically and psychologically. This environment could be achieved when being in a relationship with a person who was deeply understanding (empathic), accepting (having unconditional positive regard) and genuine (congruent). Risk taking can be part of a person centred approach as we would choose to use positive and informed risk taking which would involve building a positive view of the individual, and seeking to learn what a persons gifts and skills are and what people admire about them. In person centred thinking we also explore the consequences of not taking the risk so that these may be balanced against the consequences of taking the risk. Using an individuals care plan contributes to working in a person centred way as this would be constructed by the client with the support of the care worker so that the client has full control over their recovery, instead of the support plan being constructed by the care worker whereby the client feels as if they have no control of their recovery. 1.2 Work in a person centred way In order to find out the history, preferences, wishes and needs of an individual I would refer to any previous files held with regards to that person, as well as discussing directly with the client what the preferenes etc. of that person are. I use person centred values in everyday working as I am an extremely empathic, accepting and congruent person. 1.3 Establishing consent when providing care or support Informed consent is important to establish when providing care or support so that the client is fully aware of their responsibilities, any actions that will be taken and the consequences of either taking or not taking a particular action or decision. In UK case law it has been established that consent must be given by a person with mental ability to do so, sufficient information should be given to the individual and they should not be coerced into giving consent, if these are not met then consent is considered to be invalid. The process of establishing informed consent will vary according to individuals assessed capacity to consent. If informed consent can not be readily established then we must abide by the individuals wishes after explaining fully the consequences of not consenting to a certain action. If a person is mentally incapable of providing their consent then we must refer to any care or support plan or legal documentation that may have been established whilst they were capable of making an informed decision. If none of these are available then consent can be given by their next of kin, but we must involve the individual in the process as much as possible. We do however have a ‘duty of care’ to a person, if the persons health and safety is at an immediate risk then certain actions can be taken in order to prevent any immediate risk to that person. 1.4 Encourage active participation Active participation benefits an individual as it recognises an individuals right to participate in the activities and relationships of everyday life as independently as possible. The individual is regarded as an active participant in their own care and support rather than a passive recipient. Possible barriers to active participation may include, amongst others, the mental or physical disability of an individual. 1.5 Support the individuals right to make choices I would support an individual to make informed choices by giving the individual full information with regards to the positive and negative effects of any decisions they make and respect their wish to make that decision. I would use agreed risk assessment processes so that the client was fully aware of any risks involved with regards to any decision they make and would also discuss this with my manager. A workers personal view should not influence an individuals choices as everyone is an individual in their own right and and therefore should be able to make their own choices as their interests would be different to a workers. I would support an individual to question or challenge any decision made by others by giving the individual full information with regards to that decision in an unbiased manner, if the individual wanted to make any changes with that decision then I would discuss this with my manager and use agreed risk assessment processes to enable the individual to make those changes. 1.6 Promote individuals’ well-being Individual identity and self esteem are linked with well-being as everyone has their own interests and what one person may find interesting another person may not find interesting, for example, if a person is religious and attends church they find that this is part of their identity and promotes their own self esteem as they may feel they are doing their service to God. Another person may not believe in God and find attending church boring, therefore they may feel that they are being pressured into a belief that they disagree with, therefore taking away the psychological identity of an individual. Other aspects relating to well-being may include spiritual, emotional, cultural, social and political. Attitudes and approaches that are likely to promote an individual’s well-being include listening to and treating an individuals decision with respect and enabling them to implement these into the everyday life, after giving the individual all information available in an unbiased manner, for example, if an individual decided that they wanted to attend church then no matter what my own opinions on this matter may be, I would help the individual to attend church and if necessary attend church with them.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Pro Doping in Sports Debate - 825 Words

Health Risk If each of us ought to be free to assume risks that we think are worth taking, shouldnt athletes have the same freedom as anyone else? In particular, if athletes prefer the gains in performance allegedly provided by the use of steroids, along with the increased risk of harm to the alternative of less risk and worse performance, what gives anyone the right to interfere with their choice? After all, if we should not forbid smokers from risking their health by smoking, why should we prohibit track stars or weightlifters from taking risks with their health in pursuit of their goals? -Robert Simon, PhD Professor of Philosophy at Hamilton College Fair Play: The Ethics of Sport 2003 Seeking an ‘Unfair’ Advantage There is no†¦show more content†¦Legalization of the use of drugs in sport might even have some advantages. The boundary between the therapeutic and ergogenic - i.e., performance enhancing use of drugs is blurred at present and poses difficult quest ions for the controlling bodies of anti-doping practice and for sports doctors. The anti-doping rules often lead to complicated and costly administrative and medical follow-up to ascertain whether drugs taken by athletes are legitimate therapeutic agents or illicit. Furthermore, legalization of doping, we believe, would encourage more sensible, informed use of drugs in amateur sport, leading to an overall decline in the rate of health problems associated with doping. Finally, by allowing medically supervised doping, the drugs used could be assessed for a clearer view of what is dangerous and what is not... Acknowledging the importance of rules in sports, which might include the prohibition of doping, is, in itself, not problematic. However, a problem arises when the application of these rules is beset with diminishing returns: escalating costs and questionable effectiveness. Bengt Kayser, MD, PhD Professor of Exercise Physiology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva Alexandre Mauron, PhD Professor of Bioethics, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Geneva Andy Miah, PhD Read er in New Media and Bioethics at the School of Media, Language, and Music at the University of the West of Scotland Viewpoint:Show MoreRelatedUse of Steroids by Athletes Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pagesathletes said yes. As we can infer from the above survey, a large number of professional athletes are willing to risk their lives for the chance of victory and recognition. The controversy of doping in sports is centered on the use of drugs to increase speed, strength, intensity and endurance. Various sports regulating bodies such as the International Olympic Committee have banned certain performance-enhancing substances because of safety and fair play issues. However, many athletes feel that theyRead MoreEssay about Steroids in Sports: Right or Wrong?947 Words   |  4 PagesSteroids in Sports, Right or Wrong? â€Å"We have to make some radical move to get the attention of everyone. Cheaters cant win and steroids have put us in the position that its OK to cheat.† (Lou Brock). Steroids in professional sports has became a major issue and has yet to be justified. Steroids boost the intensity of the game and provide the athletes with more agility and skill to play the game, but should it be fair to allow them? This would give some players an advantage in their sport over theRead MorePerformance Enhancing Drugs Should Not Be Legalized1129 Words   |  5 Pagesthe anti-doping agency is more and more important in the world wide games, such as Olympic Game, Tour de France. Nowadays, whether the performance enhancing drugs (PEDs) should be legalized has sparked a heated debate. However, the use of PEDs is morally wrong and it should be banned in sports. This essay will demonstrate three main points which explain the reasons why these drugs should be banned. Firstly, it is unfair on the ath letes who do not use drugs to allow the use of PEDs in sports. SecondlyRead MoreWhat Makes An Elite Athlete Become Highly Competent And Possess Higher Level Of Performance Than Other Individuals1711 Words   |  7 Pagesto multiple ethical and moral debates about the science surrounding their applications for doping, therapy, and testing. (McCrory) (Schneider, Rupert) Through an in-depth exploration of the research into genetics role upon athleticism, specific gene markers and mutations have been identified as to having a significant contribution to an individual’s athletic success as well as gave rise to new controversies surrounding genetics and athleticism as it pertains to doping, cheating, and the methodologyRead MoreDrugs in Sport Essay1052 Words   |  5 PagesDrugs in sport The nature of sports promotes a strong desire to win, and many athletes will do anything to rise to the top. Every elite athlete wants to get an edge over their competition, causing many athletes to turn to performance enhancing drugs to gain this edge. Drug use in sport can cost players their super stardom dream career, but more seriously, their own lives. The wide-spread illegal use of drugs has eliminated the question of which athlete has the strongest raw power, to the questionRead MoreTour de France4771 Words   |  20 Pagesmountainous countryside of Ireland, France, and Belgium. In 1998, the image of Tour de France cyclists as athletes at the peak of their natural abilities was tarnished by allegations of widespread performanceenhancing drug use among competitors. The doping scandal broke a few days prior to the start of the race when a masseuse for Frances Festina team, Willy Voet, was arrested after police found large quantities of anabolic steroids and erythropoietin, or E PO, in his car as he crossed from BelgiumRead More Use of Performance Enhancing Drugs in Sports Essay2025 Words   |  9 PagesThe use of performance enhancing drugs in sports (doping) is done to improve athletic performance. Doping in sports has become a highly controversial topic among professional sporting venues and in the media. With the increased pressure to perform, high priced contracts, increased competition, and advanced training methods today’s athletes will try to gain an edge by any means necessary. Performance enhancing drugs used by athletes today include Human Growth Hormone (HGH), anabolic steroids, peptideRead More Review of UKSports Anti-Doping Policy Essay3361 Words   |  14 Pagesperformance-enhancing drugs in sport relate to the protection of the health of athletes, and the maintenance of fair competition† (Black, 1996; as cited by Waddington, 2000) The main objective of the U.K. Statement of the Anti-doping Policy stems from this. The aim is to ensure that the various governing bodies of sport in the United Kingdom have consistent and regular sets of policies and regulations in order to â€Å"protect the rights of athletes to compete drug-free† (U.K. Statement of Anti-doping Policy). This policyRead More performance enhancing drugs in sports Essay1936 Words   |  8 Pagesmountainous countryside of Ireland, France, and Belgium. In 1998, the image of Tour de France cyclists as athletes at the peak of their natural abilities was tarnished by allegations of widespread performanceenhancing drug use among competitors. The â€Å"doping† scandal broke a few days prior to the start of the race when a masseuse for France’s Festina team, Willy Voet, was arrested after police found large quantities of anabolic steroids and erythropoietin, or EPO, in his car as he crossed from BelgiumRead MoreThe Greatest Accomplishme nt Of Lance Armstrong At The Tour De France2213 Words   |  9 Pagesto part take in the sport of cycling. This triumph, however, spurred curiosity and scandal on whether Armstrong had taken performance enhancing drugs to achieve his victories. The use of performance enhancers has been a debate sparking controversy among the industries of professional sports. Advocates of the legalization of performance enhancing drugs in professional sports believe that it will result in an increase of fans, elevate athlete’s skills, and expand economic sport profits. In contrast